Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ruptured Cyst on Ovaries: Don't Take Any Chances

The presence of a ruptured cyst on ovaries is a fairly common occurrence. It does not necessarily mean something that is life threatening, or something that should be treated by a doctor. In order to know if the ruptured cyst on ovaries should be a medical issue, one must get back to the basics and know what type of cyst it is.

Types of Ovarian Cysts

There are generally two classifications of cysts: the simple cyst and the complex cyst. The difference of both are in their make up, size, and etymology, or cause. Simple cysts are also called functional cysts and are often just a natural part of the menstrual process. Complex cysts, on the other hand, may grow from tissues that are foreign to the ovaries and are often a cause for some concern.

The Dangers and Symptoms of a Ruptured Cyst on Ovaries

If the ruptured cyst on ovaries is of the simple type, these types of cysts are very rarely life threatening and may be treated with medication, or not at all and be left to resolve itself. They can, however, cause some discomfort, bleeding, or even an unreasonable amount of pain.

If the ruptured cyst on ovaries is of the complex kind, not only are these types of cysts extremely painful, these can also endanger your life. When complex cysts rupture due to their considerable size (these can grow up to 12 inches in diameter), these can cause internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, and infection. You'll find yourself feeling faint and nauseous, and your breasts may feel tender and sore. Even the complete absence of - or at least, irregular - menstrual bleeding could be a symptom of a ruptured cyst on ovaries.

Diagnosing Cysts

The dangers that a ruptured cyst on ovaries pose are quite considerable, and most of the time, these cysts are caught before they actually do so. Cysts on the ovaries may be felt by your doctor during a physical pelvic exam. The next step in diagnosing the type of cyst (should the doctor deem it necessary) would be to view the cyst under an ultrasound, or an x-ray. If further testing is required to see the actual composition of the cyst, a tissue sample may be extracted.


In the best case scenario, a ruptured cyst on ovaries will cause pain and bleeding that will resolve itself in a couple of weeks. Treatment with antibiotics also seem to help with the healing process and the prevention of infection. Painkillers are also an option, as well as bed rest.

There are cases, however when the ruptured cyst on ovaries may have to be removed surgically through a laparotomy (also known as open surgery), or laparoscopy, which is a less invasive procedure through small incisions.

Having a cyst on the ovaries doesn't mean it's something to panic about. Having a ruptured cyst on ovaries, however, is an entirely different story. Although it could very well be nothing, it doesn't pay to take any chances because it just might be something.

Click here to see more on cysts on ovaries

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your blog. It would be interesting to know more about when I person does decide to stay home and tough out a suspected cyst, exactly when to get into the ER or doc. What I am saying is, how do we know when it's not resolving? If the pain stays the same for a few weeks, then go in?
