Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cyst on Ovaries Cause Pain: That’s a Fact

How do you know if you have ovarian cysts? What are the symptoms associated with this condition? Outlined below are the manifestations that a cyst on ovaries causes.


Pain signals you that something wrong is going on. So does a cyst on ovaries cause pain? Yes and no. No because many instances of ovarian cysts are asymptomatic – meaning, the woman does not suffer from any symptom. Cases have been reported wherein women go through life without even knowing that they have ovarian cysts.

In a lot of cases, however, pain is the primary concern. In fact, it is such a manifestation that prompted these women to see a doctor in the first place. A cyst on ovaries causes pain in the lower abdomen, the lower back or the pelvic area. In addition, the pain becomes more pronounced because of the twisting or the rupture of the said ovarian cyst.

Breast Tenderness

Why does a cyst on ovaries cause physical manifestations in the breast, you may ask. This is because the ovaries, uterus and the breast closely work together during the ovulation stage. When the egg is released, hormones signal the uterus and the breast to prepare them for pregnancy. This is also the reason why during your menstrual period, you feel tenderness in your breast. Therefore, reproductive system related problems – as in the case of a cyst on ovaries – cause a change in sensation in the mammary glands, or the breasts.

Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Why does a cyst on ovaries cause irregularity in a woman’s monthly period? A cyst stays in the ovaries longer than it’s supposed to and intervenes with the system’s regular functions. Naturally, the first thing that’s affected is the menstrual cycle. The hormones responsible for signalling the start and end of the menstrual flow are confused. As a result, irregular menstrual cycle takes place.

Problems Relating to the Kidneys

Would a cyst on ovaries cause difficulty in passing urine? More often than not, yes. This is because the reproductive system is located beneath the kidneys. In some cases, a cyst on ovaries causes the ovaries themselves to expand. As a result, they come almost in contact with the bladder or the kidney. It either makes urinating difficult or it gives you the urge to urinate all the time.

Does a cyst on ovaries cause pain in the bladder? Yes, this circumstance is also possible because of, once again, the location of the ovaries in relation to the excretory system. Not only that, pressure or pain is also felt along the rectal area.

And Many More

In some instances, a cyst on ovaries causes weight gain, vomiting / nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. It may also lead to painful sex.

All these symptoms, as can be noticed, are generic. They may also be products of other illnesses. You cannot immediately claim that these manifestations are indeed cyst-related.

Click Here to find out how to cure Cyst on Ovaries.

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